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  • Haemorrhoids are referred to the condition in which the anal and perianal venous plexus is inflamed and dilated in and around the anus and lower abdomen. 
  • They are described as the varicosities of the anal veins.

 Other names: 

      • Piles (Latin – meaning balls)
      • And also Haemorrhoids (hem uh roids)

    Anatomy :

        • Anal vein is terminated as internal and external venous plexus.
        • The Hemorrhoidal plexus is also called as Internal rectal venous plexus.


          • Both the internal and external venous plexus are thin-walled and dilated, when these dilated vessels protrude beneath the anal or rectal mucosa it is called Hemorrhoids

        Haemorrhoids or Piles


            • There are two types of hemorrhoids based on the region of inflammation either above or below the pectinate line (also called a dentate line).

            • They are;
                  • Internal hemorrhoids

                  • External hemorrhoids

              • Internal haemorrhoids are present above the pectinate line.
              • External haemorrhoids are present below the pectinate line.


            Internal haemorrhoids :

                • Synonym – true piles.
                • They are present above the pectinate line.
                • Moreover the main cause is dilatation of the internal rectal venous plexus.
                • Overcoat – mucosa, and these bleeds.
                • These do not cause pain, because regions above the pectinate line are endodermic in origin.

                • These are grouped as primary piles and secondary piles
                      • Primary haemorrhoids:
                            • The primary piles occur in three positions, they are
                                  • 3 ‘o’clock – left lateral position

                                  • 7 ‘o’clock – right posterior position

                                  • 11 ‘o’clock – right anterior position.

                                  • Enlargement of the three main radicles of the superior rectal vein at respective regions causes primary piles.

                            • Secondary haemorrhoids:
                                  • Varicosities in the other than these three positions of the lumen refers to secondary piles.
                                        • Stage 1 – slight enlargement in the internal Haemorrhoid plexus

                                        • Stage 2 – the Haemorrhoid finger passes the pectinate line

                                        • Stage 3 – further protruding down where it is visible in the anal sphincter.

                                        • Stage 4 – fully protruded out.

                          Internal haemorrhoids position


                          Internal haemorrhoids position

                          External Haemorrhoids :

                              • Synonym – False piles
                              • They are present below the pectinate line.
                              • Cause – dilatation of the external rectal venous plexus.
                              • Overcoat – skin
                              • Location – below the anal skin -these skin stretch and form the skin tags.
                              • This type causes pain because regions below the pectinate line are ectodermic in origin.
                              • In external hemorrhoids, the Haemorrhoid protruded below the white line of Hilton.

                            Clinical features of Haemorrhoids:

                                • Bleeding – first shown symptom, bleeds in bright red.
                                • Moreover occurs during defecation.
                                • Bleeding occurs as drops of red blood at the end of defecation.

                                • Prolapse – 1⁰ hemorrhoids: bleeds but does not prolapse
                                      • 2⁰ Haemorrhoids: prolapse on defecation but return spontaneously

                                      • 3⁰ Haemorrhoids: bleeds and prolapse on defecation, it has to be replaced manually.

                                      • 4⁰ Haemorrhoids: bleeds and permanently prolapsed.

                                  • Discharge – frequent mucoid discharge
                                  • Anemia – in case of severe chronic bleeding
                                  • Sudden painful condition along with discomfort.
                                  • Tender swelling is seen
                                  • Pain on defecation.
                                  • Constipation.

                                Causes of Haemorrhoids:

                                    • Firstly, Portal hypertension
                                    • Chronic constipation and straining in stool
                                    • Cardiac failure
                                    • Venous status of pregnancy
                                    • Hereditary predisposition
                                    • And also tumors of the rectum.

                                  Risk factors:

                                      • First;y, Portal hypertension
                                      • Increased intra-abdominal pressure
                                      • Severe constipation and straining during defecation.
                                      • Pregnancy
                                      • Obesity
                                      • And also heavy lifting


                                        • Microscopically – In internal piles thin-walled and also dilated tortuous veins are seen under the rectal mucosa.
                                        • External piles are seen under the anal skin. In prolapsed piles, thrombosis, hemorrhage, inflammation, scarring, and strangulation are seen.
                                        • Investigation – digital examination, ano – proctoscopy examination and also sigmoidoscopy. 

                                      Treatment of Haemorrhoids :

                                        • Firstly, Constipation – Treatment modality is to prescribe laxatives.
                                        • Pain – Application of 5% xylocaine jelly per rectally to ease pain. 
                                        • On server bleeding – to maintain intravascular volume by fluids and blood transfusion to resuscitate shock and to maintain hemodynamic stability. 1⁰ and 2⁰ hemorrhoids- to give injection or tablet of tranexamic acid .
                                        • For the 1⁰ Haemorrhoids which bleeds, injection of phenol – in a specially designed syringe – Gabriel’s syringe, injecting around 3-5 ml above the Anorectal ring, 3 sessions at the 6-week interval .
                                        • Moreover for 3piles laser therapy is usually prescribed.

                                        • Based on the stages:
                                            • Stage 1: Recommendation of high fibre diet and also Sitz bath.

                                            • Stage 2: To use Steroid creams like hydrocortisone . And also to use Pramoxine as anti-itching cream

                                            • Stage 3 and 4: Rubber band ligation

                                        • For external hemorrhoids,
                                            • Cryosurgery (application of liquid nitrogen)

                                            • Hemorrhoidectomy (surgical removal)                    

                                            • And also photocoagulation (application of infrared coagulation)

                                        • MEDICAL :
                                            • Local applications, Sitz bath, Diet, Laxatives, Drugs, Analgesics.

                                        • PARASURGICAL :
                                            • Sclerotherapy

                                            • Banding

                                            • Cryotherapy

                                            • Infrared coagulation

                                            • Laser therapy

                                            • Doppler – Guided Haemorrhoidal artery ligation

                                        • SURGICAL :
                                            • Open haemorrhoidectomy

                                            • Closed haemorrhoidectomy

                                            • Stapled haemorrhoidopexy

                                            • Anal stretching – Recamier, Lord’s

                                      Postoperative complications :

                                      • Pain- due to spasms, nerve irritation and also muscle injury.
                                      • Retention of urine – Commenest
                                      • Reactionary or secondary haemorrhage
                                      • Anal fissure
                                      • Anal stricture
                                      • Recurrence
                                      • Anal discharge for sometimes
                                      • Incontinence for faeces or gas
                                      • And also Ectropion ( Whitehead deformity )

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