Free Medical Courses

Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily.

Course of the week


Anatomy course for beginners

  • Upper Limb

  • Lower Limb

  • Abdomen

  • Thorax

  • Head and Neck

  • Central Nervous System


Student Reviews


Very useful and easy to understand. Thank you.

-Ishwarya S


Good Explanation. Very useful for the topics that we forget.

-Rajesh Kumar R


3D explanation of topics is very useful and interesting

-Kirthika D


Your explanations are very much understandable.

-Mohan Raj Natarajan


Basic Life Support

Fainting – First aid

DO'S :

  • Lay person on the back
  • Elevate the legs above the chest level at least 30 cm to restore the blood supply.
  • Loosen the tight clothing.
  • Try to revive the person, shake or yell.
  • If person doesn’t respond call for ambulance immediately.
  • If person isn’t breathing, start CPR 30 : 2 ; 30 chest compressions followed by 2 rescue breathes.


  • Do not give the person food or drinks.
  • Do not slap or splash water on the person.
  • Do not leave the person alone.

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