Heart Cancer

Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Heart cancer : Neoplasia : Divisions of Neoplasia : What sort of neoplasia is Heart cancer ? Pathophysiology : Clinical symptoms : Does heart cancer occur in the heart truly ? …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : CSOM is a chronic infection of the Middle ear cavity. This may be localized only to a part or may be the infection of the whole of Middle Ear …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition of Asthma : Asthma is a heterogenous disease. The disease is characterized by chronic airway inflammation. Asthma is also characterized by variable expiratory airflow obstruction. The clinical symptoms include wheezing, …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : Sombanambulism is also called sleep walking. It refers to a state of getting up and walking around while in a state of sleep. This occurs predominantly in males. There …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : Acne Vulgaris is a disease of pilosebaceous gland. This is most commonly found in face, front, back of the chest. Moreover this is also present in the gluteal area …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : Glaucoma is characterized by progressive optic neuropathy. This results in characteristic apperance of the optic disc with a specific pattern of irreversible visual field defects. This may or may …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : The infrequent passage of hard stools is called the Constipation. The chief complaints of the patient’s are straining, a sensation of incomplete evacuation and also perianal or abdominal discomfort. …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : Cirrhosis is an end stage of any chronic liver disease. It is a diffuse process characterized by Fibrosis and conversion of normal architecture to structurally abnormally regenerating nodules of …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : Ptosis in Greek means to fall. Drooping of eyelids – either the upper or lower eyelid is called Ptosis. And Blepharoptosis is a condition in which the upper eyelid …

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Poisonous snake

Snake bites

Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Introduction : In the whole world there are more than 3500 species of snakes. Of that only about 216 snakes are found in India. In that only 52 snakes are venomous. …

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