


Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : Cataract is simply defined as opacity developed in the lens or its capsule. Transparency of the lens is maintained by the regular arrangement of lens fibers. Hence, it occurs …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : Glaucoma is characterized by progressive optic neuropathy. This results in characteristic apperance of the optic disc with a specific pattern of irreversible visual field defects. This may or may …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : Ptosis in Greek means to fall. Drooping of eyelids – either the upper or lower eyelid is called Ptosis. And Blepharoptosis is a condition in which the upper eyelid …

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watering eyes

The watering eye

Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses DEFINITION OF WATERING EYES : The watering eyes is characterized by the overflow of tears from the conjuctival sac. Two of the conditions may lead to watering eyes. Firstly, Watering eyes …

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Free Medical Courses Master Medical Topics with free online courses for beginners. Learn how to approach a topic and understand critical topics easily. Courses Definition : Scleritis refers to the inflammed condition of the Sclera proper. It is comparitively severe when compared to episcleritis. Most importantly it causes visual impairment and even leads to loss …

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